Estate Planning
Get started with a Simple Estate Plan by filling out our Will Questionnaire.
Once we have received the completed questionnaire by fax or email, our firm will be pleased to draft the following documents:
- Will—This document disposes of all personal and real property, names a Guardian and Trustee for minor children and assets, and names an individual to handle the disposition of your Estate;
- Living Will—This document is known as an Advanced Directive, and clearly states ahead of time, what differing methods of life support and nutrition and hydration you desire, in the event you are incapacitated, to various degrees;
- Durable Financial Power of Attorney—This document names an individual and an alternate individual to handle your finances, should you become unable to handle them yourself, whether temporarily or permanently. Without this document your spouse or other named individual will face difficulty in handling your financial affairs in the event you are unavailable to handle them;
- Healthcare Power of Attorney—This document works much the same way as a Financial Power of Attorney, with the exception that it addresses the common problems a doctor and family face when healthcare decisions must be made and the patient is unable to communicate his or her desires. This document, in conjunction with your Living Will, is critical to ensuring clear directions on your part as to what procedures you desire, and who has the authority to direct the physician with regard to all medical services.
Please be sure all names are written clearly and spelled correctly, and please call our office with questions regarding the Questionnaire as they may arise.

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estate planning?